Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


Conjunction ( kata penghubung ) adalah kata yang menghubungkan kata-kata,bagian-bagian kalimat dengan kalimat .Atau dapat juga diartikan sebagai kata yang digunakan uintuk menghubungkan kata-kata,frasa atau klausa dalam sebuah kalimat.
umumnya cunjunction barasal dari bagian kalimat ( past of speech ) yang lain,khususnya preposition.Tetapi conjunction berbeda dengan preposition,conjunction tidak dihubungkan dengan obyek dan conjunction tidak digunakan untuk menerangkan kata-kata,frasa.

Di dalam tata bahasa inggris ,conjunction dibedakan menjadi dua golongan,yaitu :
1.Coordinate Conjunction
2.Subordinate Conjunction

Coordinate Conjuntion ( Kata Penghubung Koordinasi ) adalah kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua buah klausa yang sederajat atau setara,maksudnya antara kalimat yang satu tidak bergantung pada kalimat yang lain.

Yang termasuk dalam kata penghubung ini adalah sebagai berikut: and = dan
But = tetapi
Yet = namun
Or = atau ( untuk kalimat positif )
Nor = atau ( untuk kalimat negatif )
For = karena
Either..or.. = ..atau..
Both..and.. = baik..maupun..,..dan juga..

Kata penghubung jenis ini pada umumnya digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda,kata sifat dengan kata sifat,kata kerja dengan kata kerja,frasa dengan frasa,klausa dengan klausa,kalimat dengan kalimat sendiri.

Contoh :
a.Kata benda dengan kata benda.
1. Dennis and Menis is my close friends
2. I bought trouser and shirt last week
b.Kata sifat dengan kata sifat
1. Lily is not nice but charming
2. Are you hungry or thirsty
c.Kata kerja dengan kata kerja
1. You may not smoke nor play here
2. she can both read and write english
d.Frasa dengan frasa
1. I saw not only a monkey but also a tiger
2. I didn’t go to surabaya nor to jakarta
e.Klausa dengan klausa
1. Sheb is left but I waited
2. I tried hard yet I failed
f.Kalimat dengan kalimat
1. I am happy but She is sad
2.They want to make trip but they don’t have any money

Subordinate Conjunction ( kata penghubung ) adalah kata yang menghubungkan dua kalimat yang tidak sederajat.Dua kalimat tersebut masing-masing berkedudukan sebagai anak kalimat dan induk kalimat.
Pada umumnya jenis kata sambung ini berasal dari preposition,khususnya bentuk conjunction of time ( yang menunjukkan bentuk waktu )

Yang termasuk dalam subordinate conjunction adalah :
After = setelah,sesudah
Although = walaupun,meskipun
Thought = walaupun,meskipun
As = karena
Because = karena
Before = sebelum
If = jika,kalau,seandainya
Since = sejak
That = bahwa
Till = hingga,sampai

1. She can do masa I do
2. You will pass you exam if you studt hard
3. He didn’t come because he was ill
4. We eat so that we may live
5. Although it was raining,he come on time

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Bahasa Inggris 2


Countable noun is noun that can numerator with number.countable noun include word that join in common noun and collective noun.
Identity and character bfrom countable noun :

* Example
a.change become can type plural
singular : there is a pen in the table
plural : there are two pens in the table
b.can unite with article a or an.thus too with article the,good in plural or plural.
example :
1.there is a man in that room
2.I bought an umbrella last week
3.the son of my teacher is a lawyer
c. can unite with word some,any,in plural
example :
I need some chair
d. can unite with word all of,none of,both of or few,but in plural
example :
all of the pens in my desk are red
e.can unite with word many,a lot of,several or a great many,but in plural
example :
She doesn’t have many cars
f.If countable noun in singular, then must in take part in by verb singular,that is with to increase s/es on verb.or must take part in verb assist is or was ( to be )
example :
My teacher stands near the door
g.If countable noun in plural,then must in take part by verb plural,that not increase s/es.or must take part in verb assist are or were
( to be)
example :our books are on the table

* Definition :
Uncountable noun is noun that not can numerator with number.that go into uncountable noun is material noun and abstract noun.

=>Identity and character from uncountable :
1.not can unite with article a or an.but can unite with article the in singular
2.not can unite with article a or an.but can unite with article the in singular
3.can unite with word some and ant to meaning little
4.can unite with word much,a lot of,a great deal of or plenty of to meaning many
5.always together by verb singular,that is with to increase s/es on verb.or always together verb assist is or was

*Example :
1.we can write letters on the paper
2.The fruit is good for healthy
3.She want some fresh water
4.Does he have much milk
5.There is a lot of money in my wallet

Bahasa Inggris 2


Type comparative make from type positive that plus with ending –er or –r and prefix more.whereas type superlative in type from type positive that in plus with ending –est or –st and prefix most.

B. Explanation :
Section big Descriptive and Quantitative adjective have grade comparison to explain verb.
In English grade comparison on adjective mentioned The Degree of Comparison,that become 3 class :
1.Possitive Degree
2.Comparative Degree
3.Superlative Degree

Possitive Comparative Superlative
cheap cheaper cheapest
great greater greatest
tall taller tallest
high higher highest
near nearer nearest
light lighter lightest
Example :
a.Possitive Degree
*as + passive + as
ex: She is as beautiful as her siste
*no less + positive + than
ex :She is no less beatiful than her sister
*not + so+possitive + as
ex: His ruler is not so long as mine

b.Comparative Degree
*comparative + than
ex: My car is faster than his car
Jim is older than jane
This book is more expensive than that one
This blue pen is less expensive than the black one
c.Superlative Degree
*the + superlative +nouns + in
ex: He is the cleverest student in this class
*the + superlative + of
ex: Shi is the most beatiful of all the girls
*the superlative noun
ex: This is the most expensive car

Bahasa Inggris 2


A. Definition :
As that already we to know in Indonesian identity sentence active is verb always prefix “me-“ and several more have prefix “ber-“.
So,to two sentence in above mention as active voice because subject from every sentence with active to perform action,then calls and killed.

B. Explanation :
Active Voice is sentence that subject to act something or to perfurm something job.

C. Example :
1. Simple Present (S+V1) =>Jane sweeps the floor
2. Present Continuous (S +To Be+Ving ) => They are hunting some rabbits at the moment
3. Present Perfect (S+Has/Have+V3 ) => Andrew has bought that book
4.Simple Past Tense (S+V2) => We Hunted some rabbits
5. Past Continous Tense ( S+To Be+Ving) => Dennis was swimming with Hemmend
6.Past Perfect Tense ( S+Had+V3) =>They had hunted some rabbits
7.Present Perfect Continuous Tense (S+ Have/Has+been+Ving) => Have you been waiting for him all night

Bahasa Inggris 2


A. Definition :
As that already we to know in Indonesian identity sentence active is verb always prefix “me-“ and several more have prefix “ber-“.
So,to two sentence in above mention as active voice because subject from every sentence with active to perform action,then calls and killed.

B. Explanation :
Active Voice is sentence that subject to act something or to perfurm something job.

C. Example :
1. Simple Present (S+V1) =>Jane sweeps the floor
2. Present Continuous (S +To Be+Ving ) => They are hunting some rabbits at the moment
3. Present Perfect (S+Has/Have+V3 ) => Andrew has bought that book
4.Simple Past Tense (S+V2) => We Hunted some rabbits
5. Past Continous Tense ( S+To Be+Ving) => Dennis was swimming with Hemmend
6.Past Perfect Tense ( S+Had+V3) =>They had hunted some rabbits
7.Present Perfect Continuous Tense (S+ Have/Has+been+Ving) => Have you been waiting for him all night

Tugas Bahasa inggris 2


A. Definition :
As that already we to know in Indonesian identity sentence active is verb always prefix “me-“ and several more have prefix “ber-“.
So,to two sentence in above mention as active voice because subject from every sentence with active to perform action,then calls and killed.

B. Explanation :
Active Voice is sentence that subject to act something or to perfurm something job.

C. Example :
1. Simple Present (S+V1) =>Jane sweeps the floor
2. Present Continuous (S +To Be+Ving ) => They are hunting some rabbits at the moment
3. Present Perfect (S+Has/Have+V3 ) => Andrew has bought that book
4.Simple Past Tense (S+V2) => We Hunted some rabbits
5. Past Continous Tense ( S+To Be+Ving) => Dennis was swimming with Hemmend
6.Past Perfect Tense ( S+Had+V3) =>They had hunted some rabbits
7.Present Perfect Continuous Tense (S+ Have/Has+been+Ving) => Have you been waiting for him all night

Bahasa inggris 2

CHAPTER 3 Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect)
*Direct Speech*
A.Definition :
direct speech is saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech(sometime called quoted speech).here what a person says appears within quotation marks and should be word for word.

Sentence live that at say someone and can repeat and sentence use quotation mar(“).

1.Amar said,”I am ill”.
2.the police ordered: ”walk on”.
3.She will tell me,”I am ready to come with you”.
4.Rudi gas said,”I have taken a bath”.
5.Ali says,”I am a student”.
6.Mother says,”I will go to bogor”.
7.she said,”Today’s lesson is on presentation.”

*Indirect speech*
A.Definition :
inderect speech (also called reported Speech) used to communicate what someone else said,but withoutusing the exact words the tenses of the verbs are
often changed.

indirect speech is sdoesn’t use quotation mark to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word.when reporting speech the tense usually changes.this is because when we use reported speech,we are usully talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spokein the past).the verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.

C.Example :
1.He is a doctor in hospital Indonesia
2.They are a beautiful girl
3.I am in Class
4.He is a Perfect Teacher
5. They will go to Office
6.We have animal to maintain
7. i’am going to the cinema,he said

Bahasa inggris 2

A.Definition :
is a grouped meaningfully to express a statement question,exclamation.a generally more emphatic form of statement expressing emotion

B.Explanation :
command is the sentence that at use to express sentence instruction.command sentence usually stretch with word instruction.

C.Example :
1.Come here !
2.Try to speak english !
3.Study diligently ! good to her ! Careful
6.don’t not come here
7.don’t forget your lesson

A.Definition :
Noun a formal message requesting something that submitted to an authority
2.The verbal act of requesting
3.The act of asking for anything desired;expression of desire or demand;solicitation,prayer petition,entreaty
Verb the need or desire for;
5.ask(a person)to do something
6.inquire for (information) ask for(something);for express desirefor;to solicit,to request his presence,or a favor

B.Explanation :
Request is at use to express request and invitation that polite.

1. ask coming you to My room
2. Please help Me to do office Job
3. Do not look at it
4. Don’t be ashamed
5. Don’t be careless
6. Be a honest man
7. don’t be lazy

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Seni Memaksimalkan Daya Tarik


Teruslah Berbuat Baik Tanpa Pernah Menghitungnya

Lakukan kebaikan layaknya menulis di atas pasir dan pahatlah di batu untuk setiap kesalahan yang Anda lakukan.
Artinya,lupakan setiap kebaikan Anda kepada orang lain,tak perlu menghitung! :-)
Sikap seperti ini akan melatih keikhlasan,dan pada saat terbiasa,Anda akan merasakan arti puas yang sejati.

Merendahlah Agar anda Menjadi Tinggi

Orang yang merendah justru banyak disenangi orang lain.Lain halnya dengan orang yang sombong,kerendahan hati merupakan perwujudan dari toleransi dan memiliki nilai yang tinggi.Kerendahan hati dan kedamaian saling bertautan.Percayalah pada diri sendiri,dan singkirkan keinginan untuk selalu ingin membuktikan pada orang lain.

Jagalah Kemurnian

Tampil "apa adanya".Jadilah diri sendiri.Untuk memiliki daya tarik kita tidak perlu menjadi orang lain.Menjadi diri sendiri jauh lebih bernilai ketimbang kita selalu ingin tampil "seperti orang lain".

Jadilah Orang Yang Penuh Minat

Apa yang Anda katakan pada diri sendiri tentang kehidupan,dan diri Anda sendiri, dari hari ke hari,bisa memberikan efek yang luar biasa.
Sepanjang waktu,lihatlah diri Anda sendiri sebagai pribadi yang menarik. Pertahankan perasaaan itu sejelas mungkin dalam pikiran.Dengan sendirinya,"alam" akan menarik segala hal yang penting untuk menyempurnakan perasaan dan pandangan Anda itu.Jadilah orang yang selalu ceria,penuh harapan,dan buat dunia ini terpikat pada Anda!

Wajah Ceria

Tertawa itu sehat.Buat wajah Anda selalu ceria.
Saat kita tersenyum,otak akan bereaksi dan memproduksi endorphin(zat alami yang memindahkan rasa sakit).Selain itu,senyuman akan membuat Anda bisa rileks. Senyuman juga akan menebarkan kegembiraan pada orang lain.
Tekankan dalam pikiran,saat Anda bersama orang lain,bahwa senyuman dapat memperpendek "jarak" antar orang lain.

Antusias dan Hasrat

Dua hal ini merupakan ibu yang melahirkan sukses.
Antusias dan hasrat dapat mendatangkan uang,kekuatan dan pengaruh.Hal besar tak akan dapat dicapai tanpa antusias.
Yakin selalu pada apa yang Anda kerjakan.Kerjakan tiap pekerjaan Anda dengan penuh cinta.Masukan antusias dalam pribadi Anda,maka ia akan menciptakan hal yang luar biasa buat Anda.

Tata Krama

Tingkah laku,kesopanan dan kebaikan bisa membuat orang lain percaya pada kita. Tata krama yang baik akan membuat orang lain merasa nyaman dengan kita.Tata karma merupakan sumber kesenangan,memberikan rasa aman,dan ini dilakukan dengan menunjukan penghormatan pada oran lain.
Bersikap sopanlah pada setiap orang yang Anda kenal,tidak peduli status dan kedudukan mereka.Perlakukanlah setiap orang dengan tata krama.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Bahasa Inggris 2

Nama : Meliana
NPM : 19210656
Kelas : 1EA20
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2

A.Definition :
a dependent clause used as an adverb within a sentence to indicate time,place,condition,contrast,concession,reason,purpose,or result.
* and verb clause(also known as an adverbial clause)begins with a subordinating conjuction (such as if,when,because,although)and
includes a subject and predicate.
* a word phrase or clause that performs the function of an adverb.

adverbial Clause is clause that to have acting cause manufacture as adverbial in sentence: explain verb,information,adjective,or clause the other.

1.This is the west,sir.when the legend becomes fact,print the legend.
2.all human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running
form,and to,and why.
3.although the world is full of suffering,it is full also of the overcoming of it.
4.the swift December dusk had come tumbling clownishly after its dull day,and,as he
stared through the dull square of the window of the schoolroom,he felt his belly
craver for its food.
5.I drank some boiling water because I wanted to whistle.
6.I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it.
7.when fascism comes to America,it will be wrapped in the flag,carrying a cross.